Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Terapan konsep ketahanan tanaman terhadap jasad pengganggu pada ketahanan pangan dan ketahanan ekonomi



Plant resistance to pest concept were divided onto two groups, horizontally, and vertically plant resistance. The first one were supported by more genes, otherwise, the second one were supported by single gene. These concept may applied to explained the food and economic resistance in the community. The more food staple may consumed by the community, the more resist them from hunger, otherwise, the more depended them to the specified food staple, the more susceptible them from hunger. The more varieties the profession of the community, they more economic resistant, and, the more specified their proffesion, their economic resistance more susceptible.

Key words: plant resistance, food resistance, economic resistance

Agroecosystem and Environmental balance

The forest community was changed by agricultural activity to become agricultural area. The forest community had a highly stability and biodiversity, but less be beneficiary to the peoples, in meaning of low productivity per biomassa. That activity aimed to heightened productivity per biomassa, so that area of forest which have the multivarious plant and animal was altered to become more homogeneous, and furthermore, the productivity per its biomassa were high. The area which was altered were called by monoculture plantation, characterized not setled. Is was required to control of its setled with gave more input, like labour, water, manure, pesticide, and mechanization, and oriented to man-power, thinking, and expense of energy. The breeder was select the short clump of rice and produce more seed genotipe in course of selection represent to strive heightened the productivity per biomassa. In the case of livestock, selection of animal which have the more obstetrical fat flesh and a few bone. By this activity to make low biological variety and improved the homogenity, the energy usage to earn more careful (Soeriaatmadja, 1989). but, the usually happened was the energy flow become very quickly exit and enter the agroecosystem. This is visible at the time of existence of pest crop, a situation where we need to control the pest and its mean was need more energy. Also, land cultivation practice which was no use the soil conservation principles will caused more soil problem. Based on the law of thermodynamics I and II which mentioned that the energy in nature always remain, and not all energy usable to do to work, it was mean, there were some free energy in agroecosystem which was useless castaway, and that mean the extravagance energy were losses from agroecosystem, and represent as the addition of the nature energy. The result was the energy which waste will progressively heightened of the degree of nature disorder or entropy of the nature system (Soemarwoto, 1994).

The Character of the tropical rain forest of Indonesian agroecosistem were a) highly temperature, dampness, rainfall, and irradiating during the year, b) abundance biomass production, c) decomposition of organic materials relatively quickly, and d) nutritious of the soil system was closed nutrient recycling. At this situation, the fertility of soil stay in stable. At the moment of forest opening for agriculture area, It was happened a big loosing of soil nutritious as a) hewing of trees and transportation of biomas on land-clearing, b) erosion and run off, and c) transportation of biomas at annually crop harvesting (Syekhfani, 1991). At this state the stability of soil fertility will become annoyed.

There were balanced condition of the predator and prey, and also host and parasite when biodiversity and soil fertility were high. But, as which have mentioned above, the crop didn’t gave optimum growth and yield as the result when growed in a state of like that, because the crop yield was the big need of the people, thereby the crop should be cultivated in the plantation environment. The problem was, the biodiversity, and also stability of soil fertility was the external factor which was influenced the crop resistance to the pest crop. The incidence of case of pest and disease at the area of agriculture of which monoculture is not extraordinary matter. One of them cause lack of source of food for pest, or source of nutritious for parasite, cause of crop and its yield can consumed by pest, which- in the stable in forest might be [is] not true pest, however, because of they has no food anymore, the pest were prey the crop.

The contemplative and holystic thinking was needed to understood various factor which supported the natural balance. This is useful to correlated the requirement of take care of natural balance with the requirement of the hightened crop production for prosperity society. High economics burden which shoulder the society, specially at the agricultural sector showed the inefisiensi economic, hence the system of agriculture strive low expense, input energi low, and also low energy input and sustainable agriculture. Component of expense which don't needed shouldn't entered as component credit of farming. In practice, for example, not necessarily entered a number of dose of pesticide to a number of range of time application, because maybe those pesticide didn't needed during the crop season. This can also valid for for the component other production cost be like the fertilizer, and others. Of course it isn’t easy to compose for the practice agriculture which have through years, because, planning and policy more have the character of sentralistic, and involvement of society at the most executor, or as object plan that, so that this menjurus become the society culture, because through years, slowly, the wisdom on cultivation were not the portion of farmer anymore. Systematically, green revolution, intensification, and modernization in agriculture production, have reduced the Indonesian farmer independence to determine their self important decision to their agriculture. The mastery of technique to make fertilizer from locally original materials; controlling the pest naturally, i.e to keep the balance among enemy and pest; and selection the seed by themself, was no more. This wisdom have broken by the green revolution technology, of which of anything have to bought, and more costly they get from outside their agroecosystem, whereas the trading of agriculture input were dominated by big corporate. The system like this was not an ideal one. Thereby, this system should be corrected in order to avoid energy extravagant, natural, and stand up for the farmer.

System of Crop Resistance to the Pest crop, Internal and External sub-sistem review

Crop resistance system internally was inheritance character, from the parental to their filial. The substance in charge of inheritance of this character was DNA molecules structured in gene. Natural selection have cast aside among genotipe resistance with susceptible, the resistance one were continue planted, while the susceptible were annihilate. Really, the resist one always attacked by pest, but, from time to time there are promotion of ranking of their resistance in their population. Finally, at the specific location, the non destructive balance among pest with its host was reached. Genotipe which stay in these circumstance balance had a highly horizontal resistance, mean resist to many type of pest on these specific location. This resistance were supported by a number of resist gene, so that horisotal resistance were also called by polygenic resistance.

The crop breeder and pest crop expert may accelerated this process of selection with protected, choose, and breed the resistant individu, perform a hibridisasi so that obtainable genotipes which more variable, and perform an artificial infection to mimicry the natural selection. The artificial infection usually entangle only one or two type of pest, so that obtain one resistant genotipe crop. The resistance like this were supported by one gene, so that call for the monogenic resistence. This resistence was very specific pest, mean, those genotype only resist only for one type pest. It was usually called by vertical resistance.

According to Semangun (1996), the cost of pest management with resistant genotipe were relative cheaper if compared with the same way using the methods like spraying, or quarantine. The problem to obtain the resistant genotipe was a) [there] no source resistant gene, b) source of resistant gene very differ to the crop improved c) incompatibility of gene, d) too much race of pest, e) level Virulensi of pest, and f) reduced effect to resistance genotipe because of crossfertilization. In relation to the forest community, which represent the gene source to purpose of breeding the crop. In the forest still many wild consanquinity. For example, At the process of rice breeding, the source of gene obtain either from genetically variety of pool crop, nor from wild consanquinity of rice (Sitch and Romero, 1990).

In applying the resistant genotipe to pest, it was considered that choose whether horizontal resistant genotipe or vertical. Robinson (1971) cit Semangun (1996), was summarized that if a) often change genotipe, b) pest or patogen have highly r and t, c) wish to avoid the vertifolia impact, d) wish to avoid the biological war impact, d) patogen mutability high, e) monocultur pattern of cultivation, f) if minimum protection, hence properly choose the horizontal resistant genotipe. On the contrary, a) patogen mono flower type, b) locus of cultivation have the season closed, c) assist with horizontal resistant genotipe.

Crop resistance, food resistance, and Economic resistance.

Study concerning crop resistance was strategic study, because of concerning the fundamental requirement which was very esensi, as long as which such crop here is food crop. Relation between crop resistance with food resistance was very closed, that was, the crop is producer materials of food, and when the crop ‘puso’ (unsuccess in crop harvesting), hence the peoples didn’t got food materials. But that way, besides factor crop and harvesting, food resistance also influenced by economic factor, that is purchasing ability of the society to the materials such food. Mass media of Indonesia have report on incidence of case malnutritious, insuffiency of calorie, nutrition, and protein, which knock over the urban and rural in Indonesia. According to Krishnamurti (2003) this is show that food resistance represent the sub system of national resistance which most brittle. Symptom of food resistance groggy have visible far day, even since a period of previous order of governance, but the effort to overcome that symptom not do systematically yet

Mentioned further by Krishnamurti (2003), that the bollard resistance of food is variety of food, that is prerequisite fundamental of enough food quality and nutritious consumption. The government tent to dominate this food diversification program. There were more concept, but a little bit were implementation which entangle stake-holder, and has no quantitative goals agreement. Implementation of program were applied partially which less continual. Beside that, the role of Department of Agriculture was very dominant in the program, while the other one tent to shy at share active in it. In this case seen the existence of resistance on coordination either through horizontal and vertical.

Food diversity have two fundamental dimension, that is diversity in menu of consumption, and diversity in source of food-stuff. In relation to the diversity in menu, the requirement of the nutrition and their role for well-balanced were fulfilled by food. Its including the requirement of carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, etc.; and in relation to the diversity in source of food-stuff, each type of nutrition were steming from the specific source; protein obtain from animal, fish, plant, for example. Both dimension the very closed correlation, and influence each other.

Economic and monetary crisis was the major factor to reduce the ability of some of society to buy their basic need, especially food staple in the form of rice, along the increasing of amount pauper. But this symptom more affected to the urban region, than the rural. This matter represent that the effect of cultural process which marginalized another food materials except rice, and drape most requirement on food to rice only, so that the economic groggy, hence society difficulty to obtain their rice, because the only rice, the single food-staple may fulfill their basic requirement. On the contrary, rural society which have accustomed consumption to the various type of food staple relative don't affected by the crisis.

Economical society in urban more drape to live on single work, as public servant or as labour worker in industrial sector. On the moment of economic crisis happened, the industrial sector were groggy, even close, so that happened disconnection on job contract.

Meanwhile the rural society still survival, because of their economic were supported by various kinds of activity, farming of crop, livestock, fishing, and others.

It seem there were the correlation between word 'resistance' with 'diversity'. Horizontal crop resistance were supported by diversity of gene, and may survive to number of kinds of pest on the specific location. This resistance settled in space dimension –which differ from vertical crop resistance-which supported by single resistant gene, so that the crop very resistant to one type pest, but unable to survive when attaced by more kinds of pest on the specific location. Food resistance seemed supported by diversity of food material, reviewed from its menu, and also source of materials food. The society of which didn’t diversification their materials food, in meaning to substitute and depending on various materials food will groggy their food resistance. At others, society of which survival is society of which can consumption and make the variation their food. Finally, economic resistance, were supported by their work. The settled economic resistance of course to obtain from ability of professionalism. Horizontal economics resistance crutch of ability to mastery various work, as farmer profession in wide meaning, which stay in flinging down of monetary economy crisis. The vertical economics resistance crutch by one type of work or profession This matter were very dangerous, because in a moment that occupation didn’t needed again, so that happened disconnection on job contract. What resistance model will we choose to apply at our agriculture practice, food, and economic life?


As mentioned above, its inferential that:

1. Concept of resistance crop, reviewed on horizontal and vertical one, applicable to explained resistance of food, and also, economic resistance society

2. Society of which may consumption many type materials food more higher their food resistant compared to the society which only consumption one type food materials.

3. Society of which have many ability professional more higher their economic resistance compared to the society which only depended on the one type of profession.

Literature cited

Krishnamurthi, B. 2003. Penganekaragaman pangan: pengalaman 40 tahun dan tantangan ke depan. Artikel tahun II no.7. J. Ekonomi Rakyat (

Semangun, H. 1996. Pengantar ilmu penyakit tumbuhan. UGM Press, Yogyakarta.754 p.

Sitch L.A. dan G.O. Romero, 1990. Attemp to overcome prefertilization incompatibility in intraspecific and intergeneric crosses involving Oryza sativa L. Genome 33: 321-327.

Soemarwoto, O. 1994. Ekologi, lingkungan hidup, dan pembangunan. Jambatan, Jakarta.365 p

Soeriaatmadja, R.E. 1989. Ilmu lingkungan. Pustaka ITB, Bandung. 133 p

Syekhfani, 1991. Pengeloaan kesuburan tanah dalam mempertahankan produksi pertanian berkelanjutan di lahan kering. Makalah kuliah perdana PPS Unibraw, Malang. 19 p

[1]) A part of this hand-out content have been presented at the training of The Improvement of Worker Ability in Handling of Production Buffer Zona, carried out by Directorate of Crop Protection, Department of Agriculture Republic Indonesia, in Samarinda, 28 June - 01 July 2005. Original title : Crop Resistance, Review of the Ecology and Economic Resource.

[2]) Lecturer on the subject of Integrated Weed Management, Study Program of Plant Pest and Disease Science, Faculty of Agriculture Mulawarman University (e-mail:, telp/fax:+62541749313, mobile:+6281346353024)

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